Friday, April 28, 2006

Minimo 0.15 + PSM support (update)

I got both minimo and TestGtkEmbed browsering through some "security" sites. That's more than great. So, I'll clean up the code and submit a patch into the mozilla/minimo bugzilla asap ...

I've also debianized such build (Minimo 0.15) for the 770, but unfortunately couldn't test it out on my own 770 so far. Reason: I am not able to update my maemo image: "an invalid ID error" sucks. On my *old* image I got a libstdc++ incompatibility. (minimo requires libstdc++6 to run but it has .5 instead).

So, I'd be much appreciated if someone who I have already flashed the newest maemo image into your 770, could check if libstdc++6 is available,

$ ls -lah /usr/lib/libstdc++*

and if you succeed you can install minimo 0.15 as follows:

_Installing it:
  • Via AI
_Running it:

Nokia770-05: cd /var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo/
Nokia770-05: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.
Nokia770-05:/var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo# export DISPLAY=:0
Nokia770-05:/var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo# ./minimo

I've sent a question to dev-maemo asking about it my but nothing yet. Your feedback will be amazing ;)

--Antonio Gomes

Monday, April 03, 2006

MiniMo 0.14 running on 770

Last Friday, I spent some time making a .deb of the newest MiniMo (Mini Mozilla - 0.14) and that's what I can tell about it:
  • As faster as an end user can expect
  • 11 Mbs of footprint (GREAT !)
    • Nokia770-05:/var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo# du -sh
    • 10.7M
  • Has SSR and Pan !!!!
What makes me impressed was the fact of with any modification on the minimo source code, it runs on 770 very well (it's a XUL app not GTK) !

Congrats to Minimo Team. For more about it check dougt's post

Looking Forward to put MANaOS running over such a build. I hope doug can help here :)

_Installing it:
  • Via AI
_Running it:

Nokia770-05: cd /var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo/
Nokia770-05: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.
Nokia770-05:/var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo# export DISPLAY=:0
Nokia770-05:/var/lib/install/usr/lib/minimo# ./minimo

--Antonio Gomes